/ecm-Diskurs 50: Beyond countering the canon

A digital art magazine as a platform for global contexts and discourses
Lecture: Julia Grosse, artistic director, C&, Berlin
Moderation: Luisa Ziaja, co-director, /ecm, Vienna

There is a growing hype about so-called “global art” with regard to biennials around the world; however, this perspective usually focuses on art production in non-European and non-US contexts. The perception of contemporary art from Africa and the Diaspora is part of this phenomenon. This attention is undoubtedly important and relevant, but it also says something about the hierarchies between “center” and “periphery”, and about the tendency to address ‘global art’ but to use the term synonymously with “the other”.

In her lecture, Julia Grosse will talk about her work with a focus on C&, as well as methods, definitions and challenges of her commitment to the visibility and discourse of contemporary art from the global Diaspora.

Julia Grosse is co-founder and artistic director of Contemporary And (C&), a dynamic platform comprising the publications C& Magazine and C& América Latina Magazine as well as C& Projects and C& Education. Grosse is a lecturer at the Institute for Art in Context at the University of the Arts in Berlin. She studied art history, German literature and media studies and worked as a columnist and arts journalist in London for the Tagezeitung (taz), Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS), Architectural Digest, and the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Grosse has published articles in various art publications and co-edited books, her publication “Ein Leben lang” (2018) was published by Hoffman und Campe. In 2020 she curated “Friendly Confrontations: Festival for Global Art und Institutional Critique” at the Kammerspiele München.

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Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
27.11.2020 (Fri)
19:00 -
Online ,