Late Breakfast with Doringer

Talk with Colectivo Lastesis
At the Social Design Studio

Late Breakfast with Doringer is a five-part series with artist @bogomirdoringer and is a cooperation of two departments of @dieangewandte: @ortsbezogene and @social_design_studio_vienna and the Artists-in-Residence program of @q21_vienna @mqwien

Colectivo LASTESIS is an artistic, interdisciplinary and feminist women’s collective from Valparaíso, Chile, composed of Daffne Valdés Vargas, Paula Cometa Stange, Lea Cáceres Díaz and Sibila Sotomayor Van Rysseghem.

ZOOM ID: 455 161 7763

The collective is dedicated to disseminating feminist theory through performance; specifically through an interdisciplinary language that combines the performing arts, sound, graphic and textile design, history and social sciences. They are also the creators of the performance un violador en tu camino, replicated in more than 50 countries.

Staging in small format that intertwines various reflections on sexual violence, specifically rape, using figures and statistics of our country reality, going through the theories of Rita Segato and Virginie Despentes, the treatment of the media in these cases, and intertwining the performance un violador en tu camino through the technique of stage collage. The work articulates performance, sonorities, graphic and textile design. With nods to agitprop, LASTESIS seeks to encourage discussion around sexual violence and the demystification of rape from a feminist perspective, contributing to the denunciation of patriarchal structures and practices in our society.
El violador eres tú premiered in Valparaíso in January 2020 and has subsequently been presented at the Santiago a Mil Festival and at the Hau Hebbel am Ufer Theater in Berlin (March 2020).

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
07.06.2021 (Mon)
14:00 -
Online ,