Overground Resistance: A4C - ArtsForTheCommons

A4C - ArtsForTheCommons: Visualizing complexities of the living. Countermapping Mother Earth’s rights

Der Vortrag im Rahmen der Ausstellung “Overground Resistance” wird sich auf A4C - ArtsForTheCommons’ jüngsten Arbeiten zu Naturrechten und Extraktivismus konzentrieren, darunter auch auf die laufenden Arbeiten für die Sydney Biennale 2022.

“I am not proposing a return to the Stone Age. My intent is not reactionary, not even conservative, but simply subversive. It seems that the utopian imagination is trapped, like capitalism and industrialism and the human population, in a one-way future consisting only of growth. All I’m trying to do is figure out how to put a pig on the tracks”

  • Ursula K. Le Guin

A4C - ArtsForTheCommons is a collaborative platform that intends to bring together artists and activists on issues related to migration, borders, ecological justice and extractivism. Founded by Ecuadorean artist and activist Rosa Jijón, and Italian activist and researcher Francesco Martone it has started its activities focussing on human mobility, Mediterranean cartographies and decolonial narratives, with installations and performances in Rome, Quito and Slovenja. In 2019 A4C published a book on migration and contemporary arts for the Italian publishing house ManifestoLibri, titled “Dreamland, i confini dell’immaginario”. The book was then presented in various occasions with the participation of academics, art critics, curators, artists and activists on migrant rights, including the Captains of Open Arms and Mediterranea rescue vessels.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
23.09.2021 (Thu)
18:30 -