Fog, Water and Ice - Fire, Earth Love and Climate

‘Fog, Water and Ice - Fire, Earth Love and Climate’
a lecture by Markus Jeschaunig

In his lecture Markus Jeschaunig speaks about his latest works. Each project is marked by artistic research and the interest to bring scientific data into form to create sensual experiences. Context: The climate crisis recalls the involvement of (m)any individuals. How to reflect our own actions in a global sphere of interconnectivity, along direct correspondence to environment, animals, plants and even non-human lifeforms such as climate and weather? To bring suchlike complexity into consciousness and daily life of the general public is one of the most challenging tasks of our time.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
08.10.2021 (Fri)
19:00 -
MAGAZIN , 1020 Wien