ecm diskurs 59: Talkie–pong–Walkie–ping!

Networks for transforming ideas and knowledge

/ecm masterlehrgang

This title is an onomatopoeia, a graphic word which sound intends to imitate the real world and was composed to illustrate this talk. In this /ecm-discourse Matilde Seabra shares how her practice has been developed through the expanded field of architecture. From, the creation, in 2010, of an independent company called talkie-walkie dedicated to share knowledges in place, to the implementation of an educational project called ping! immersed on a municipal gallery focusing on contemporary art. We are we in this in-between called mediation? Do we need to decide to be in one of the sides? When we are mapping on art-education, who are left behind or not represented?

Talk by Matilde Seabra, Head Of Education, Galeria Municipal do Porto
Moderation Renate Höllwart /ecm-director team, Vienna

Matilde Seabra was born in Porto in 1980. Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, she worked in co-authorship with Ivo Poças Martins. ( Together with colleagues, they founded the Friendly-Fire an independent fanzine on architecture. (
In 2010 founded Talkie-Walkie ( with Ana Neto Vieira, a cultural-tourism company that organizes trips and implements visits with different specialists through the territory to connect people with the architecture and the art that are developed in Portugal. Talkie-Walkie worked with a wide range of national and international partners in the programming of travels and in the commissioning of mediation projects for institutions.

Currently Matilde Seabra is responsible for the educational project called ping! as well of the Public Programs of the Galeria Municipal do Porto dedicated to contemporary artistic and discursive production. ( During 2021, ping! presented a program based on three thematic axes - the Botânica dos Jardins do Palácio de Cristal (Gineceu&Estigma); the Primeira Exposição Colonial Portuguesa (An Elephant in the Palácio de Cristal); and the artistic urban environment of the GMP (Exodus).

Registration for the zoom-ID:

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
14.01.2022 (Fri)
18:00 -
Online ,