The democratic revolutions of 1989 in popular culture and art

14, 15, & 17 February 2022
(Online / Vienna, Austria)
Hybrid format, combining online and live sessions:

Tuesday, 15th of February

4 – 5 pm
“Teaching Revolutions: Educational Challenges and Correlations” (online)

The third session will explore the place 1989 holds in the culture of remembrance of different European countries.
The participants of the Forum will have an opportunity to compare the challenges of teaching about the democratic revolutions in theirs countries.


Gruia Badescu, CRIDL. Bădescu is an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and a Zukunftskolleg Research Fellow at the University of Konstanz. His research examines how societies deal with difficult pasts through spatial practices, including critical approaches on memory-work.

Tena Banjeglav, Documenta. Banjeglav holds a Master’s degree in History from the University of Zagreb and is in charge of Documenta’s educational program

Elżbieta Moczarska, The Kazimierz and Zofia Moczarscy Foundation. In 2014 Moczarska established the The Kazimierz and Zofia Moczarscy Foundation which awards one of the most prestigious literary awards in Poland – The Kazimierz Moczarski History Prize for the best book on post-1918 Polish history.

Moderator: Diana Todorova, Documenta

International Forum “The democratic revolutions of 1989 in popular culture and art” 3

5:30 – 7 pm
“1989 and Mass Media: The Revolution Was Televised” (online)

This session will explore the social and political impact of television during the democratic changes of 1989 in different European countries.
The participants will watch selected TV archives from the time and will have the opportunity to share their thoughts on the way the democratic changes are/were represented in the mass media in their country.

Diana Todorova, Documenta

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
15.02.2022 (Tue)
16:00 -
Online ,