Projekt 143: Marc Leschelier

Projekt 143: Marc Leschelier (F): LECTURE FROM THE MIXER
Vortrag in Engl.

The lecture will address the question of the fabrication of architecture and will attempt to describe it outside of any functional approach, but rather by apprehending it as a means of expression. The objective will be to go back to a vision of architecture prior to its instrumentalization for daily use, but to look at construction as a means of transferring mental images into solid masses.

Marc Leschelier is an architect and educator. He lives and works in Paris. His work explores the possibility of a spontaneous formation of architecture through direct operations. Starting from a refutation of construction as a rational enterprise, the work reduces its domain to an elementary, instinctive and irrational constructive practice in order to move it to other fields.

Kurator: Oliver Hangl

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
26.09.2022 (Mon)
19:00 -
k48 , 1070 Wien