curated by 2022: Positive Interference Lab #5

Positive Interference Lab #5: Interfering with the Media. Art in the Age of Fake News, with researcher Anna Longo
at Krobath Wien, Eschenbachgasse 9, 1010 Vienna

Taking as a point of departure Anna Longo’s research on Luther Blisset that interfered with the media in the 1990s, we will discuss artistic strategies of media interference in the times of fake news. Anna Longo is a researcher at Unversity Paris IV Sorbonne and a member of the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris.

All workshops will be facilitated by Klaus Speidel and mostly take place in English. Participation is free within the limit of the spots available.

To participate in a workshop, please sign up by sending a message to, specifying the workshop you want to participate in.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
06.10.2022 (Thu)
16:00 -
Galerie Krobath , 1010 Wien