Artist Talk - Digitale Kunst: Uroš Krčadinac

Uroš Krčadinac
Creating Personal Data Atlases via Coding, Writing, and Drawing
Department of DIGITAL ARTS/ Ruth Schnell

In his talk Uroš Krčadinac will speak about how to combine mapmaking, computer science, art, writing and storytelling in order to invent new way of feeling and sensing the 21st century world of humans, networks, and data.
In particular, he will fokus on his latest algorithmic art project All-Aligned. It is an open source AI system for automated vexillology, visualizing the fractal-like fragmentary nature of our digital condition and raising questions about the society where identity creation is mediated by Big Tech algorithms.
He will mention other projects as well, such as his interactive infographic travel novel Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey, an example of digital ergodic literature and two books on digital poetics, Tactical and Optimised Poetics, published by Multimedia Institute in Zagreb.

Uroš Krčadinac (b. 1984) is a Belgrade-based digital artist, technologist, writer, and educator. His work has been shown at festivals and conferences in Europe, Asia, and North America. His academic research was published in scientific journals including IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing and IEEE Transaction on Human-Machine Systems. His artwork was exhibited at Vancouver’s Emily Carr University Gallery, Berlin’s re:publica, Belgrade’s Museum of Applied Art, Rijeka’s Drugo More, Zagreb’s GMK, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Gallery, and many more.

He holds a PhD in Informatics from the University of Belgrade. Currently, he works as an Associate Professor of Digital Art and Computing at the Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University, Belgrade. He also works as a Research Associate at the Good Old AI Lab, University of Belgrade, and as a Visiting Lecturer at the Academy of Arts, Novi Sad.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
arts (general)
25.05.2023 (Thu)
14:00 -