Reenactment "Das Recht mit Füssen treten"

Reenactment of Peter Weibels Action „Das Recht mit Füßen treten“ from 1968 in solidarity with refugeeprotests in vienna and elsewhere.

You are invited to take part in the reenactment of Peter Weibels Action “Das Recht mit Füßen treten” to show solidarity with the refugees protest and demands.

Pragmatically the word “RECHT” will be painted and multiplied with chalks on the floor in front of the ministry of Inner Affairs at the Minoritenplatz.

Bring your friends, comrades or whatsoever and chalks to paint.

arts (general)
28.11.2012 (Wed)
18:00 -
Minoritenplatz , 1010 Wien vor dem Innenministerium, Minoritenplatz, 1010 Wien