Mooli Lahad: When their world falls apart. Working with post traumatic children and adults around the world.

“When their world falls apart. Working with post traumatic children and adults around the world.”

Vortrag von Mooli Lahad in englischer Sprache

Eröffnung: Inge Scholz-Strasser (Sigmund Freud Museum)
Begrüßung: Daphne Frucht (WIZO - Women’s International Zionist Organisation)


In my lecture I’ll describe the many faces of trauma of children and adults and the 30 years of experience working with them and with the education systems in various parts of the world following disasters. I will show examples of art work by children and will focus on the different manifestations of the problem among boys and girls Israeli Jewish and Arab children and their families. Mooli Lahad

Prof. Mooli Lahad is a senior Medical Psychologist and the President and founder of The Community Stress Prevention Center ,the oldest NGO in Israel that work with children, families and communities post traumatic events. Prof Lahad has 2 PhDs a former consultant to UNICEF and NATO on civilians coping with disasters and Resiliency. The author and co-author of over 30 books and numerous articles and the recipient of 3 vey distinguished professional awards for his work . During the 2nd Lebanon war and post the war lead an extensive project with WIZO daycare centers and youth villages to help both children and adults recover from the war –trauma. His work lead him to Sri Lanka , Turkey, Mississippi , Japan and many other places post natural disasters.

arts (general)
25.10.2011 (Tue)
19:00 -