Well, being in the loop gets y ahead. (Iteration III, Progress)


Tja, im Loop kommt man weiter. (Wiederholung III, Fortschritt)
Well, being in the loop gets y ahead. (Iteration III, Progress)

Michael Kargl, Birgit Knoechl, Annja Krautgasser, Wolfgang Lehrner, Les Liens Invisibles

Progressive thinking and the human striving for something better, truer and more beautiful are directly coupled with the newness and uniqueness of products, services and ideas. Against this is the recognition of previous decades of unredeemed social utopias. These contradictory tendencies inevitably lead in all areas of life to pausing, adjustment and reorientation—in short, to a destabilising standstill that interrupts the chain of perception in favour of new perspectives, finally to start from the beginning again.

Starting from the idea of a loop of communicative, media and social connections, the exhibition Well, Being In The Loop Gets You Ahead. (Iteration III, Progress) presents seven artistic positions with which the idea of progressive and linear development is raised for discussion by iterative means. From within closed cycles, artists extract individual sequences of the artistic materials they use in order to problematise the perception of opposing pairs such as original and copy, high art and popular culture, art and commerce as value systems, within which art today is both produced and appreciated. The identity- and meaning-forming function of repeated sequences of action that are always the same is suspended in favour of an irritation that makes it possible to experience new forms of appreciation and—despite or precisely because of the constant re-starting—to take a step forward.

As in Lisa Rastl’s video performance Zen for Doing, iteration as a central method of cultural and artistic production serves the artists involved as a starting point to aim at the perception of performative art in the historical context. In Too Close to Duchamp’s Bicycle, the artist duo Les Liens Invisibles take up the chronologically dominated system of fine art by approaching a milestone of conceptual art literally as well as metaphorically. The reiteration of curatorial practices in the context of alternative art venues as well as the resulting artistic modes of presentation is at the centre of Michael Kargl’s space intervention with drawings re:space /settings.

Both Wolfgang Lehrner with the video Up&Down as well as Les Liens Invisibles with Fragile take up the theme less of the art system than the general economic conditions within which art is produced and appreciated today—the first humorously deconstructs the absurdity of the economic cycle, the second transfers the idea of the readymade as an art-historical authority into a contemporary “purchased ready-media”. Annja Krautgasser’s music video Rewind is an attempt to convey looped sound material at the visible level and to bring the underlying sound structures into images and to the surface. With out of control_growth IV Birgit Knoechl approaches the idea of progress produced out of repetition by focusing on natural life forms’ processes of adaptation.

arts (general)
07.10.2011 (Fri) - 21.10.2011 (Fri)
19:00 -
Glockengasse 9/5 , 1020 Wien