Wiener Festwochen: Desdemona

Als Replik auf den vorjährigen Othello von Peter Sellars kooperieren die Literaturnobelpreisträgerin Toni Morrison und die Liedermacherin Rokia Traoré in einem intimen und profunden Zwiegespräch zwischen Shakespeares Desdemona und ihrer afrikanischen Amme jenseits des Todes. Nach Jahrhunderten der Kolonialherrschaft und des Rassismus tauschen zwei Frauen Geschichten, Lieder und Hoffnung für eine alternative Zukunft aus.

“My name is Desdemona. The word, Desdemona, means misery. It means ill fated. It means doomed. Perhaps my parents believed or imagined or knew my fortune at the moment of my birth. Perhaps being born a girl gave them all they needed to know of what my life would be like. That it would be subject to the whims of my elders and the control of men. Certainly that was the standard, no, the obligation of females in Venice in the fifteenth century. Men made the rules; women followed them. A step away was doom, indeed, and misery without relief. My parents, keenly aware and approving of that system, could anticipate the future of a girl child accurately.
They were wrong. They knew the system, but they did not know me.
I am not the meaning of a name I did not choose.”
Toni Morrison

15.05.11 19:30
17.05.11 19:30
18.05.11 19:30
19.05.11 19:30
20.05.11 19:30
21.05.11 19:30

arts (general)
15.05.2011 (Sun) - 21.05.2011 (Sat)
19:30 -
Theater Akzent , 1040 Wien