Metaday: Von der Langeweile der Cyber-Inzucht in digitaler Kunst und Game Art

Von der Langeweile der Cyber-Inzucht in digitaler Kunst und Game Art Design ==

Vortragender: Julian Kenning

Julian has 10 years of experience in the games industry, from almost every possible angle.
He has worked for small budget game developers as well as in big triple-A studios.

“In particular the tight constraints of budget game development at the beginning of my
career were a tough training and most valuable experience, putting my later experience in
big studios into the right perspective. Just as familiar with managing external art
suppliers as with being an external contractor myself. I know well how to bring out the
best of an artist, but I also spot quickly if somebody is not capable of any given task.
My traditional art background as well as diverse experiences of work not related to game
development, enable me to think outside the box. After these 10 years of ups and downs on
the game development roller coaster I have developed a keen sense of what works and what
certainly won’t.”

Julian Kenning comes from a fine art background as a painter. He is still a painter atcore and as comfortable with digital tools as with a simple brush and canvas to create
his art.

* Painter
* Art Director at Deep Silver GmbH
* Senior Character Artist at Rockstar Vienna
* Lead Character Artist at n-fusion interactive

== Lightning Talks ==

Lightning Talks sind Kurzvorträge. Hier sollen aktuelle Ideen, Projekte,
und vor allem Work-in-Progress vorgestellt werden. (Selbst auf der
Wiki-Seite eintragen!) Die Dauer der Vorträge ist auf 5 Minuten begrenzt.

== Afterparty ==

Buffet, Wein und Ambient/Downtempo Chillout Musik

Der Eintritt ist wie immer frei.

arts (general)
12.11.2010 (Fri)
20:00 -
Metalab , 1010 Wien