Lecture: Horak - Remarks on the Influence of the WWW on Photography

Thursday, Dezember 2, 2010, 7 pm
Remarks on the Influence of the WWW on Photography
Lecture by Ruth Horak

“Write something…” Facebook invites me to begin a conversation with a new friend. “What’s on your mind?” I scroll through the photos of the last 27 events and non-events of my new friend. “Write a comment…”, I am invited again, while in the meantime I skim the albums of her friends’ friends. “I like this,” I comment. What are the influences of the World Wide Web on contemporary photography?–A new chapter in the history of amateur photography including endless resources of publishing; a database of images ad infinitum; a source of inspiration for never-ending appropriation; low-fi low-res images, most of them immateriel and without any editorial support; the all-over view from above on our world, in our gardens… without any consequences?

arts (general)
02.12.2010 (Thu)
19:00 -
Wien Museum MUSA , 1010 Wien