space RE:solutions - Intervention and Research in Visual Culture

space RE:solutions

Intervention and Research in Visual Culture

International Conference hosted by the
Visual Culture Programme, Vienna University of Technology

Vienna, 21-23 October 2010

Keynote Lectures:

Erica Robles Steinhardt, New York University
The Aesthetics of Mediated Congregation: The Crystal Cathedral and Evangelical Visual Culture

Jorella Andrews Goldsmiths, University of London
How to be Counter-Environmental: Art, Research and the Techniques of Discovery

Suzana Milevska Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje
The Reciprocal Relation of Art and Visual Culture in the Balkans

What has emerged over the last decade as one of the most significant aspects of work in Visual Culture is a persistent desire for both a critical sensitivity toward its theoretical underpinnings and an experimental elasticity in its methodological approaches. This drive is giving rise to a plethora of new investigative practices and multi-directional engagements, particularly vis-a-vis matters of geopolitical urgency and their cultural and spatial implications.

Marking ten years of Visual Culture studies at Vienna University of Technology, the Space RE:solutions Conference brings together a diverse group of researchers and practitioners interested in the dynamics between emergent spatial phenomena and new modes of theoretical inquiry. Examining the blurring roles of intervention and research, the conference seeks to debate how critical and creative work in Visual Culture negotiates unexpected transitions and oscillations between individual and collective, real and virtual, center and periphery, activism and academy.

Part of the conference will take place in the exhibition setting of 2 or 3 Things We’ve Learned - Intersections of art, pedgogy and protest (IG Bildende Kunst, 14th Sep to 29th Oct 2010), which aims to produce a discursive space to address processes, displacements and interventions through art in education.

Conference attendance is free of charge but registration is required of all participants and attendees, as there is limited seating available at IG Bildende Kunst, Gumpendorfer Straße 10-12, 1060 Vienna.

Please register at:

The evening keynote lectures at Kuppelsaal, Vienna University of Technology, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna are open to the public and registration is not required for those lectures.

arts (general)
21.10.2010 (Thu) - 23.10.2010 (Sat)
10:00 -