100 Poster Orgy

Dear connoisseurs of the high season,
lovers of the dried out city
who stayed with us in midsummer
at the good old danube riverbed,

…we cordially invite you
to leave your beach towels or your office chairs
to join us for the next 100 Poster Orgy
at the elevated realm of the splendid attic of VBKÖ

to strengthen our grey matter
we will have funny drinks and alphabet sorbet
and we will listen to this song regularly:

so that we can dedicate our refreshed spirit
to the hot hot summer slump topic - Katzen&Bier*
or in tribute to the great mothers of all posters
we also call it “Don´t stereotype me!”
and cut and fold and paint over and over …

The 9 rules for this club are:
1: Miau!
2: read your future in the alphabet sorbet
3: give us a great summer slump antwoord
4: make posters about Katzen&Bier
5: männer müssen stöckelschuhe tragen (where ever)
6: resist the tomato heads!
7: love the technique!
8: wir trinken eisgekühlte pfefferminzlimo (until we drop)
9: einmal die stunde werden die hermanos inglesos gespielt

doors will be open on WEDNESDAY August 18 at 6pm, sharp
at the extraordinary VBKÖ:
Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs (VBKÖ)
Maysedergasse 2
4. Stock
1010 Wien

To make sure that we will provide enough sticky stuff
send us an e-mail now and let us know if you come!

arts (general)