Daumenkino - Workshop mit Maya Yonesho

Walk around, find Vienna, draw Vienna, shoot Vienna, discover and show YOUR Vienna.

Tricky Women präsentiert in Kooperation mit dem ZOOM Kindermuseum einen

Daumenkino - Workshop mit Maya Yonesho (Japan)

“Daumenkino” is a workshop project by Japanese artist Maya Yonesho. During her stay in Vienna she developed a way to discover and show the specialities of international cities. “Wiener Wuast” her first short animated film made with that technique was presented at Tricky Women Festival 2007. Since then Maya Yonesho has been doing this workshop in Taiwan, Norway, Croatia, Israel, Kyoto, Lisbon, Italy, Korea and USA.

But now she returns to Vienna to make a new film with YOU!

“Connecting hand drawn animation with real city view the film will present a very personal and special view of Vienna. It is always very interesting to see how and what people discover about their cities, foods and landscapes.

During the workshop, we exchange ideas about what we draw to show Vienna. Small animated drawings will be put in front of pictures of your favorite Viennese places.

The method is very simple but with many possibilities. As we make the film together I show you how to animate your drawings and how to shoot pictures. What you need is: curiosity, passion and a simple digital camera (you can share with friends). Don’t be afraid to draw because I know from my experiences, that people who said “I can’t draw” will be able to draw very sweet pictures” (Maya Yonesho).


Freitag, 21.5. von 14:30 bis 17:30
Samstag, 22.5. von 10:00 bis 17:30
Sonntag, 23.5. von 10:00 bis 13:00
Freitag, 28.5. nachmittags
Sonntag, 30.5. Präsentation des Films

Kosten: Euro 125.-
Anmeldung: Tricky Women, office(at),
Tel: 01-9904663 bis 5.5., Einzahlung bis spätestens 12.5.

arts (general)
27.03.2018 (Tue)
14:30 -
Zoom Kindermuseum , 1070 Wien ZOOM Kindermuseum MuseumsQuartier Museumsplatz 1 1070 Wien