Tricky Women Forum: »Connecting Animation«

»Connecting Animation« International Forum

When? March 5, 2010: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Where? Filmmuseum, Augustinerstraße 1, 1010 Vienna

Moderation: Mag.a Andrea B. Braidt, Vienna University

Free admission


11:00 Welcome

11:05 Morten Thorning (General Director): “The Animation Workshop - Centre for Visual Supremacy”
Denmark’s leading animation institution is active within the areas of education, culture, communication and business. The Animation Workshop is an independent management unit under VIA University College, and has a strong network of international companies, artists and educations. The focus is on instigating informal, educational and development activities for animation professionals on a non-commercial basis and with government support.

Morten Thorning has been the leading force in bringing the educational level and atmosphere of The Animation Workshop to the level it is today. Devoted to the development of European animation, he has earned great respect amongst both animators and companies.

12:00 Julie Roy (Producer NFB of Canada): “Women and Public Production of Animated Films: The Example of the National Film Board of Canada”
Canada’s public film producer and distributor, the National Film Board of Canada creates social-issue documentaries, auteur animation, alternative drama and digital content that provide the world with a unique Canadian perspective. Since the NFB’s founding in 1939, it has created over 13,000 productions and won over 5,000 awards, including 12 Oscars and more than 90 Genies. Women have always played a major role within the NFB, and their involvement in auteur animation has been unflagging since the creation of the Animation Studio by Norman McLaren in 1941.

Julie Roy has been a producer for the Animation and Youth studio of the NFB of Canada since 2007. She has already produced several award-winning animated films and regularly published on women and animated films.

12:55 Iglika Angelova (head of Educational programs, Sirma Media, Bulgaria): ,,Searching for Partners”
“Can media and drama activities help to develop and improve language and intellectual skills? Do our children need new educational horizons in art to encourage narrative and visual comprehension through animation and film projects? I would like to share my ideas for new content and new partnerships in the field of education.”

Iglika Angelova is head of Educational programs in Sirma Media, the biggest company in Bulgaria, which delivers education WEB andCD based products for schools.

13:15 Coffee Break

13:45 Gaëlle Denis (animation director,, London): “Art Projects and Commercials”
Gaëlle Denis will talk about her experience as award-winning animated filmmaker and shooting star in the advertising industry.

Gaëlle Denis studied animation at the Royal College of Art. Her films “Fish Never Sleep” and “City Paradise” won numerous prizes. Currently she’s developing the scripts for two feature film projects. In the last years she has been directing several commercials (Nike Women, United Airlines, Dupont: Open Science, Kinder “chocolate factory” campaign, Coca Cola, Tokkoi, Tribute to BAMBI).

14:40 Hector Moran (lead artist, Sproing, Vienna): “Games and Animation”
Sproing is Austria’s leading game development studio. A team of over 50 developers is currently working on several high-quality video games for the global market. Sproing is certified for all major platforms including Nintendo Wii and DS, Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation3 and PlayStation2. Sproing has a wide range of genre and platform expertise from action adventure to cart racing, kid’s games and more.

Hector Moran is a 2D/3D artist and obtained his degree in Computer Animation from the University of Art and Design. He started freelancing for commercial CG and motion graphics studios in the US before returning to Mexico where he collaborated with Francisco Ruiz Velazco on various short film projects. He then worked in the games industry in Amsterdam at Streamline Studios where he became Lead Artist.

15:20 Kris Staber und Maik Perfahl (CG Forum and Pixel, Vienna): ,,Austrian prospects”
Few people know that Austria has a small but lively, successful animation industry. This industry can expect considerable growth in the future. Which career opportunities do 3D/2D artists find in Austrian companies? What do games, advertising, TV and film productions have in common?

Christoph Staber is Character Animator in Games, commercials, TV and Film, founder of, Head Organisator PIXEL Conference Vienna, founder IG ComputerGrafik, SIGGraph Chapter Vienna President. Maik Perfahl is architect, coordinator Pixel Conference Vienna, 3D animator and producer of computer music.

16:15 Discussion

The final discussion will summarize the previous contributions and will put a special focus on the further development of Vienna as animation location, its potential and the perspectives for young talents.

Opening statement: Jayne Pilling (director British Animation Awards, London): The British Animation Awards (BAA) covers all aspects of the UK animation scene, from student work to commercials, children’s entertainment, short and experimental art films, music videos, new technologies.


arts (general)
27.03.2018 (Tue)
11:00 -
Filmmuseum , 1010 Wien Filmmuseum Augustinerstraße 1 1010 Vienna