Symposium Identity and Compromise

Identity and Compromise How (Not) to Become a Creative Professional

Studium an einer Kunst- oder Gestaltungsuni fertig. Was jetzt? Praktiker aus den Bereichen Kunst, Design, Architektur und Designkritik sprechen über die Herausforderungen im Berufsleben der sogenannten Creative Industries. Auf der Basis ihrer konkreten biographischen Erfahrungen, antworten die Vortragenden aus England, Frankreich und Österreich auf die Frage, ob es möglich ist, unter dem Druck ökonomischer Notwendigkeiten eine kritische Praxis aufrecht zu erhalten und weiter zu entwickeln..

After completing institutional education, many artists, designers, architects, and other “creative professionals” set out with hopes, plans, and strategies for starting a career in the respective fields. But all too often and all too soon, the gap between ambition and reality interferes with those hopes; dampens the prospect; and, in some cases, even creates doubt about one’s ability to be what one set out to become. For most visual professionals this is a continuous challenge. The expectation to be original and innovative on one side and financial pressure and marketplace pragmatics on the other make for a rough and troubling mix.

Questions that need to be asked are: how does one react flexibly to market-demands and at the same time stay loyal to one’s concepts and philosophy? Are there limits to making compromises? Which strategies are being applied in dealing with the everyday frenzy and communication problems? How much luck is hidden behind the success of today’s “stars” in these fields?

Identity & Compromise aims to look behind the facade of glossy success stories by speaking specifically about the challenges of working in the visual field. The symposion will bring together emerging and established professionals from the fields of art, design, architecture, and criticism to speak about their work in the framework of everyday challenges, to visualize the professional life of the so-called “creative industries”, as well as to exchange their experience in relation to educative environments.


13.00 pm
Lorenz Prommegger
x architekten, Vienna/Linz

14.00 pm
Robert Sollis
Europa, London

15.00 pm
Heng Zhi
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


16.30 pm
Vincent Baranger
5.5 designers, Paris

17.30 pm
David Crowley
Royal College of Art, London

18.30 pm
Round Table
moderated by Elke Krasny, Vienna

arts (general)
27.03.2018 (Tue)
13:00 -
IKL – Institut für das künstlerische Lehramt , 1070 Wien Institut für das künstlerische Lehramt Karl-Schweighofergasse 3 1070 Wien Gr. Hörsaal 3.06