Vortrag: Unveiling the mystery of lightning

Das Naturhistorische Museum
in einer Sonntagsmatinee

Unveiling the mystery of lightning

Populärwissenschaftlicher Vortrag in englischer Sprache

Dr. Vladislav Mazur
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma, U.S.A.

What we have learned during the past two decades, and continue to learn about the physics of lightning, has completely changed our understanding of what takes place during a lightning event. Now we know much more about the complex structure of lightning flashes which occur inside a thunderstorm and which are hidden from the human eye. By studying lightning strikes to aircraft in flight, we have uncovered the fundamental physical concept that governs the development of lightning. By studying lightning strikes to very tall structures, we are learning how to better protect air-traffic controllers who must work at the top of tall towers at major airports. These, and many other aspects of recent lightning studies, will be presented by Dr.Vladislav Mazur, who has been a major contributor to many of the discoveries of the last twenty years. Dr. Mazur’s presentation will include unique video sequences of lightning strikes to aircraft in thunderstorms, and rare high-speed-video footage of lightning events invisible to the naked eye.

Sonntag 27. September 2009

Beginn 11 Uhr

Erwachsene EUR 8,-
Schüler, Studenten, Zivildiener bis 27 Jahre EUR 3,50
Senioren, Vienna Card und Ö1 Club-Mitglieder EUR 6,-

arts (general)
27.03.2018 (Tue)
11:00 -
Naturhistorisches Museum , 1010 Wien Naturhistorisches Museum Burgring 7 1010 Wien