Office Ukraine Get Together & Finissage

Time: Thursday, January 18, 2024, 17:00
Venue: Hollerei Restaurant and Gallery, Hollergasse 9, 1150 Vienna

»Office Ukraine. Support for Ukrainian Artists« is happy to invite you to participate in the finissage of the exhibition east.south.east at Hollerei Gallery.

Tanja Prušnik, artist, architect, curator and president of Künstlerhaus Wien, will introduce the show. She invited six artists from Ukraine, Japan and Slovenia to build a dialogue and find hidden connections between their art practices.

Participating artists: Khrystyna Bodnaruk (UA), Katherine Reznichenko (UA), Serhiy Savchenko (UA), Olga Stein (UA), Seiko Tachibana (JP), Alenka Vidrgar (SLO).

The Get Together is a meeting where cultural workers from Austria and artists from Ukraine can get to know each other, find a ground for future collaborations and spend time in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. We hope that this meeting will help to build professional networks and share knowledge and ideas.

Drinks and snacks will be provided. We will be happy to see you there!

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
18.01.2024 (Thu)
17:00 -
Hollerei Galerie , 1150 Wien