XX Y X + IMAfiction

season opener: XX Y X + IMAfiction

IMAfiction Portrait #10 | Elisabeth Schimana

Elisabeth Schimana & Igor Gross
Virus #1.3 Mutation for percussion solo
Live performance

Moderation: Seppo Gründler

Virus #1.3 Mutation for percussion solo
Compositions for a live-generated electronic sound body (audio score) and acoustic instruments (interpretation) It is a battle and synthesis of the two sound bodies. Together they stay alive. Virus #1 is dedicated to individual instrumental groups.
The live-generated electronic sound body is host and hostess to which the string sounds dock, adapt to it, penetrate it and use it for their replication. At the beginning this body is immune, but in the course of the piece it gives up its resistance, absorbs the string sounds and nothing stands in the way of the virus multiplying.

Elisabeth Schimana
Works as a composer, performer and radio artist since 1983.
She studied Electroacoustic and Experimental Music at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, Computer Music - Composition at the IEM, Graz and Musicology and Ethnology at the University of Vienna. In her work she has been focussing on space / body / electronics for many years.
She regularly co-operates with ORF Kunstradio and conducts research in the field of women’s art and technology. Elisabeth Schimana gives lectures and composition workshops internationally. She founded IMA Institute for Media Archaeology.

Igor Gross
Studied percussion in Vienna. Busy concert activity in the field of contemporary music, including with Klangforum Wien, PHACE Ensemble 20th Century, Ensemble Phidias, Ensemble Platypus. Solo concerts and work with freely improvised music. Regular projects with orchestras such as the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, RSO Vienna, Vienna State Opera and many others.

XX Y X & IMA 2024

Presentation of the IMAfiction series in cooperation with IMA Institute of Media Archeology / Elisabeth Schimana (founder of IMA).
IMAfiction is a portrait series dedicated to women artists from the field of media arts with a focus on sonic art.
In this series of 5 Austrian and 5 international female artists (Liesl Ujvary, Rebekah Wilson, Heidi Grundmann, Eliane Radigue, Andrea Sodomka, Maryanne Amacher, Anne La Berge, Electric Indigo, Beatriz Ferreyra, Elisabeth Schimana), most of the artists chose who they wanted to be portrayed by. The results are homages that are aesthetically diverse, intimate, and refreshingly free from any conventional film format constraints.
Over the course of 2024, all IMAfiction video portraits will be shown in 8-10 events. Wherever possible, the portrayed artist and the filmmaker will be present with a talk and/or live act.

19.4. Eliane Radigue screening (double feature with installation/performance by Hanna Schimek & Angelica Castello)
21.5. Electric Indigo screening + live performance

arts (general)
09.01.2024 (Tue)
20:00 -
Echoraum , 1150 Wien