Her Knots. Her Fingers. Her Hair.

Sophia Davislim, Susanna Maila, Franziska Prohaska
Eintritt frei.

Lean back in the armchair
Your order is on its way
From anywhere to everywhere
Yet, another beautiful day
Without y=mx+b

Came an age beneath copper skies
Behold what is left of thee
Prepared to sever all ties

Get off the pace and patch the lace
C’mon take off your shoe
“Hold still”
Leave a trace
Just wait until all is new and thus

Surrounded by surrendering
Forgive us

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
01.12.2023 (Fri) - 04.12.2023 (Mon)
18:00 -
Grossraum , 1120 Wien