Music, Migration, Belonging/s in 21st-Century Europe
    • 25.11.23
      mdw, Fanny Hensel-Saal, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien

Die Konferenz “Music/Migration/Belonging” bietet einen diskursiven Raum, um sich speziell mit den Verbindungen und Interdependenzen von Musik, Migration und (Nicht-)Zugehörigkeit(en) zu beschäftigen, mit einem Fokus auf das Europa des 21. Jahrhunderts.

Die Konferenz wird organisiert von Ass.-Prof. Dr. Anja Brunner, Tessa Balser-Schuhmann und María del Mar Ocaña Guzmán im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts “Women Musicians from Syria: Performance, Networks, Belonging/s after Migration”, das vom Österreichischen Wissenschaftsfonds FWF (V706-G29) finanziert und am Music and Minorities Research Center (MMRC) der mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien durchgeführt wird. Zusätzliche Mittel werden von der Abteilung für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie (mdw) bereitgestellt.

Die Konferenz wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten.
Der Teilnahme ist frei.

November 24, 2023

9.00–9.30 Registration

9.30–9.45 Welcome and Introduction

Anja Brunner (Conference Organiser; MMRC and IVE)
Ursula Hemetek (Music and Minorities Research Center)
Marko Kölbl (Departement of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology)

9.45–11 KEYNOTE

Nadia Kiwan: Rethinking Political Community and Belonging in a Hostile Environment: Migration in the Age of ‘Fortress Europe’

Chair: Anja Brunner

11–11.30 Coffee Break

11.30–13 KEYPANEL: Music, Belonging/s, Migration: Perspectives on Present Challenges in Europe

Chair: Anja Brunner

Evrim Hikmet Öğüt: Guests or Hosts? An Overview of Syrian Musicians’ Experience in Istanbul’s Tourism Sector

Mojca Piškor: Music, Sound and the (Im)Possibilities of Belonging on the Balkan Route

Talia Bachir-Loopuyt: Music from Middle East and North Africa in France:
Multiple Belongings and the Question of Visibility

13–14.30 Lunch Break

14.30–15.30 PANEL 1: What does (not) Belonging Sound like? Listening to Negotiations and Strategies Around Music, Migration, and Citizenship

Chair: Lisa Gaupp

Abigail Gardner: Mapping the Music of Migration: Songs to Battle Silence

Eckehard Pistrick: Migratory Aesthetics – Critical Ethnomusicological Perspectives through a Biographical Lense

15.30–16 Coffee Break

16.00–17.00 PANEL 2: (Re-)Creating Collectivity within Forced Migration: Music and Politics Intertwined

Chair: Britta Sweers

Ioannis Christidis: Echoes of the 2011 Syrian Uprising in Europe - Music and Political Belonging among Syrian Forced Migrants in Greece and Austria

Anastasiia Mazurenko: Forced Migration of Ukrainians and Belonging Performance through Choral Music in Slovenia

18.00 Dinner (at Sargfabrik)

19.30 Concert: Basma Jabr and Friends (at Sargfabrik)

Basma Jabr – Vocals
Mohannad Nasser – Oud
Oscar Antolí – Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Kaval
Victoria Kirioova – Double Bass
András Dés – Percussion

November 25, 2023

9.30–11 PANEL 3: “Unsilent Strangers” and Cohabitation: Japan’s Multicultural Coexistence and Musicking as Seen through European Experiences

Chair: Michiyo Yoneno-Reyes

Screening of video message by Hugh de Ferranti: Music Communities of Ethnic and Cultural Minorities in and from Japan

Michiyo Yoneno-Reyes: Our Version of Coexistence: Filipino Migrant’ Musicking and Migrants Singers in Japan and the World

Takako Inoue: Musical Activities among Cosmopolitan Indians: Case Studies on Asian Underground and Tyagaraja Aradhana

11–11.30 Coffee Break

11.30–13 PANEL 4: (Music) Beyond the Nation: Ambiguities and Challenges

Chair: Malik Sharif

Jasmine Hornabrook: Belonging Across Borders: Multiplicity and the Politics of Sonic Belonging in the Tamil Diasporic Music Scene

Andrew Snyder: Inter-Migrant Belonging for Non-Brazilian Migrants in Brazilian Carnival Practices in Lisbon, Portugal

Lena Dražić: Viennese Neighbourhoods, Invented Traditions, and the Global Village. (Post-) Yugoslav Neofolk as a Stimulus for Belongings and Identities

13–14.30 Lunch Break

14.30–16 PANEL 5: Subverting and Subversive “Home/s”: Musics and Resistances

Chair: Evrim Hikmet Öğüt

Andrea Dankić and Erica Åberg: ‘Far away from home’ while ‘Live and direct from Nordvästra’– Expressions of (Non)Belonging(s) in Nordic ‘Gangsta Rap’

Susan Lindholm and Alexandra D’Urso: Re-imagining “Swedishness”: Intersectional Feminist Resistance and Reflection on the Work of Silvana Imam

16–16.30 Coffee Break

16.30–18 Roundtable: Music and Belonging – Potentials, Challenges, and Preliminary Conclusions

Moderation: Conny Gruber

Britta Sweers: Diaspora and Belonging: Contradictions and Challenges

Juniper Hill: Challenges and Connections: Diverse Experiences of Post-Migrant Musicians in Germany

Ulrike Präger: Belonging and (Non-) Belonging: Rethinking Musical Impact for Migration

18.00 Closing of the Conference

arts (general)
24.11.2023 (Fri) - 25.11.2023 (Sat)
09:00 -