Lisl Ponger: Making of …

Eröffnung: 24.10.2023 19 Uhr
Dauer: 25.10. – 29.11.2023

bis 13.01.2024 verlängert

“Making of …” is a self-questioning by the artist, who envisages a retrospective and new works, thus offering the trickster a medium and field of activity. Artists are often credited with this role of questioning, finding unconventional solutions, cheeky and shrewd criticism of authority, etc. in order to establish conditions for change, renewing impulses.

A heart of darkness beats in the middle of Europe and a distant echo surges to the shores of our gallery. The alternation of ebb and flow has washed up flotsam and jetsam in these spaces, creating a zone of transitions, changing conditions and niches with temporary orders. Artworks are among them; Lisl Ponger shows a “Making of …” in the midst of turmoil, raging and appeasement, amid the din of mutual recriminations and denials of the obvious. Any consensus seems impossible, is interwoven with contradictory assertions and shifting certainties. Truth appears in the plural and is joined by the trickster. He himself could play his perfidious game with all of us by staging this threatening, but also colorful confusion.

  • excerpt from the exhibition text
arts (general)
Bildende Kunst
24.10.2023 (Tue) - 13.01.2024 (Sat)
19:00 -
Galerie Charim , 1010 Wien