Hope for Light

The exhibition is devoted to the Ukrainian Independence Day, which will be celebrated on the 24th of August.
Opening: Thu, August 17, 2023, 6 pm

The main idea and statement of the Hope for Light exhibition is a great desire of Ukrainian people to live in peace and freedom and simply to be happy and safe in their own country. Ukrainians hope for the light.

Curator: Tetiana Pytailo
Artist: Anastasiya Yarovenko | Les Panchyshyn | Eva Petrič

Wir verurteilen den Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine und zeigen uns solidarisch. Darum bietet das Volkskundemuseum Wien ukrainischen Künstler*innen und Kulturinitiativen eine Plattform und gibt Ausstellungen, Treffen und Austausch Raum.

arts (general)
Bildende Kunst
17.08.2023 (Thu) - 25.08.2023 (Fri)
18:00 -