Spring Breakers Wien

Rachel Ashton, Leckhaus, Nobody Moto, John Bock, xkcdHatGuy, Johannes Büttner, Kyounghyun Min, Marc Kokopeli, Joan Jonas, Frederik Worm & CTM, Harkeerat Mangat, Marie Karlberg, @edward, John Skoog, Swan Lee, Yvo Cho & Günther Möbius, JJM

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday for “Spring Breakers Wien”, a 24 hour screening event accompanying our current exhibition at UA26.

The works by the participating artists will be presented within a durational frame, split up into three parts: two curated sections; one looped section of a single work.

Invited by Jana Dormann, Julian Ernst and Matthias Holznagel

Opening / First part: Saturday 13.05.23, 7-11pm ∞
Second part: Sunday 14.05.23, 3-7pm

arts (general)
14.05.2023 (Sun)
15:00 -
UA26 , 1020 Wien