Men Care - Unlearning Manhood?

What traces of manhood go unnoticed? How omnipresence makes things invisible? What can we find or speculate on while strolling across an urban landscape? What does it mean to unlearn manhood? What can we imagine when we think of a forum for critical masculinities?

Exhibition Opening 07.05.2023 19:30
Workshop: 05.05 - 06.05 - 07.05.2023

Care - Unlearning Manhood? is an on-developing relational research workshop, public programme and exhibitionary format that, through the means of design and performativity, aims to facilitate, display, discuss and collectively investigate masculinity, introspectively and in public space. The workshop idea started to take shape as a process of self-reflection and as a reaction to the surge of domestic violence emerged during the pandemic. Addressing overall the need to respond and debunk dominant narratives and societal norms linked to masculine performativity, the workshop wants to challenge stereotypes and norms of masculinity, by “not talking of ourselves” but “starting from ourselves”. The silence of men about themselves is the best way to maintain everything unchanged and our omnipresence and dominance invisible, that’s why it is important to come out of the closet, voice our invisibility and become visible. Weaving on the feminist statement “the private is political”, the project envisions the co-creation of a forum for critical masculinities, that is a space not necessarily physical, performed as a relational and inquiry device opening up space for caring, sharing of stories, impressions and perspectives in public space.

The actions want to be a catalyst for intimate sharing, unlearning and envisionsing of public rituals and devices for men who feel to share a piece of their intimacy and emotional sphere and bring their reflections and thoughts into the public. Attempting to address the urgency of thinking of radical practices for caring and repairing the inherited violence imbued within patriarchal structures hence gender roles, the workshop from the protected space of the gallery explores the manhood across the surroundings and reaches out a close-by square. The workshop alternates focus work with the participants and public events exploring the issue of masculinity, in order to co-design a public performance art research action in the area and contribute to an on developing exhibitionary format. The participants and the public become proactive agents of inquiry and action in public space.

arts (general)
Bildende Kunst
07.05.2023 (Sun)
19:30 -
Fabrikraum , 1150 Wien