Ma Jia: A Madman's Diary

„A Madman´s Diary“
Ma Jia

Vernissage 21.4.2023 19h
Soundperformance: Thomas Berghammer
Finissage 2.6.2023 19h
22.4. - 2.6. 12 -15h, 18-22h

”A Madman´s Diary”

“They eat human beings, so they may eat me.” – Lu Xun “A Madman´s Diary” 1918.

When I am dazing, a lot of pictures show up in my mind. At the same time there is a sound repeating: “human eat human…” I guess this is the world I am living in…

The blue pipes have been used in Ukraine. I don´t know if the people who used them are still alive…

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
21.04.2023 (Fri) - 02.06.2023 (Fri)
19:00 -
Xian , 1200 Wien