The next day I started scratching musical notes...

Francesca Centonze is an artist and filmmaker from Italy using the media of video, animation, audio and paintings.Her research is based on the correlation of images.
Her main goal in her research is to observe and represent everything that moves before/after/around an image or a sound. Her focus on time and the medium of moving images allows her to bring to the surface subtle themes that sometimes are hidden: investigating silence, void, overlapping timelines and chaos she invites the viewer to reflect about the “moment in between”, always trying to be as personal as it is universal.

“The next day I started scratching musical notes on the prison wall with my garter belt fastener” represents the biography of Else Marie Pade on four long wooden panels. Else Marie Pade was one of the pioneers of electronic music in Denmark, active in the resistance from 1944 and then later arrested by the Gestapo and survived in the Frøslev prison camp. This woman’s devotion to music and tenacity are thus immortalised in a transmedia work mixing watercolours, video projection and soundscape (spatial) audio.

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
16.03.2023 (Thu) - 19.03.2023 (Sun)
18:00 -
SSTR6 , 1040 Wien