
the monthly series of smallforms seeks to support contemporary and experimental forms of music which require an attitude of listening. in collaboration with the artspace Chateau Rouge

Doors: 19h30
Music: 20h30 (SHARP!)

Improvised music artists Camila Nebbia (tenor saxophone, Argentina), Joakim Rainer Petersen (piano/synth, Norway) and Barbara Togander (vocals/turntables, Sweden-Argentina) have gathered specially to share their unique sonic universe in a series of concerts that will be given in February 2023.
CAMILA NEBBIA is a saxophone player, composer, improviser and multidisciplinary artist from Buenos Aires, based in Berlin. Her artistic practice and work reflect the constant creation of new sounds and visual landscapes, exploring the relationship between different forms of composition, free improvisation, electronic music and mixed media where memory and identity are one of the main resonances of her work. Played and collaborated with Valentin Garvie, La Big Nant, Axel Filip Sextet, Nacho Szulga 5, El devenir del río, Julian Mekler sextet, Burka, Maya Keren, Paula Shocron, Barbara Togander, Patrick Shiroishi, Paul Pignon, Vinnie Sperazza, Nicola Hein, Kenneth Jimenez, Lesley Mok, Violeta García, Julian Mekler sextet, Susana Santos Silva, Elsa Bergman, Tony Malaby, among others. Has released “A veces la luz de lo que existe resplandece solamente a la distancia” (Kuai 2017), “De este lado” (Club del disco 2019), Aura (ears&eyes records 2020),“Corre el río de la memoria” (ramble records 2021) and “Presencias” (Sound Holes 2021).
JOAKIM RAINER Pianist, composer and improvisor Joakim Rainer Petersen (b. 1996) from Northern Norway is a voice out of the nordic jazz and improvised music scene. He graduated from the jazz institute of Trondheim and composition studies during the pandemic and has for the past few years played across Norway and in Europe. He currently has his base between Trondheim and Berlin and has during the past two years been very active with bands like his own Joakim Rainer trio, Ingebrigt Håker Flaten’s (Exit) KNARR, Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, Goose Green 3, ASQ, ØyvindLand, Mona Krogstad Quartet, Axel Filip’s Maleza 5tet and has collaborated with musicians like Signe Emmeluth, Mette Rasmussen, Brandon Lopez, Joe Williamson, Ståle Liavik Solberg and Hans Hulbækmo.
Composer, improviser, vocal artist and experimental turntablist. Born in Sweden based in Buenos Aires, since her teens. her musical training and career begins with the electric bass in Buenos Aires jazz scene. Ventures later into experimental music and free improvisation where she deepens into the sonic possibilities of the voice, interacting with electronics and the turntable. She has performed and collaborated and recorded with a great number of musicians in Argentina and Europe such as Walter Malosetti, Norberto Minichilo, Joan Monné, Fernando Kabusacki, Luis Conde, Otomo Yoshihide, Edgardo Rudnitsky, Juan Mono Fontana, Santiago Vázquez, Enrique Norris, Chris Mann, Larry Polanski, Paula Shocron, Camila Nebbia, Cecilia López, Wade Matthews, Ferrán Fages, Leonel Kaplan, Christof Kurzmann, Sergio Verdinelli, Vinzenz Schwab, among many others. Her releases up to date are ¿.? Perccontrvozcorn (2001), MBM Trio (2004) , Lovemanual (2007) The MuniMuni Xperience (2009), Discado Internacional (2015), Come Ranas, FOTO (2014) and NANCY (Prius Discos, 2019), Cinco, ett, två (2021)and MuniMuni33 (2021).

Julia Justs sound is an interweaving of organic, atmospherically dense soundscapes with cranky, subtle, reverberant, pulsating and droning sounds. Field recordings, modular synthesizers, digital effect chains and granular synthesis are used to create abstract and haunting compositions at the intersection of post-industrial, dark-ambient and electroacoustic music.

arts (general)
24.02.2023 (Fri)
20:30 -
Chateau Rouge , 1120 Wien