as the wind carries us

Huda Takriti and Christopher Frieß

Opening: February 8, 6 PM
Opening performance at 6PM
Exhibition duration: February 9-28, 2023

not all what is here is intentionally visible
& as we stand
between a here and a there
we mark a place of sameness and otherness
& as we move
to face the storm and not be blown away
our bodies become tools
producing uncountable movements
accumulated gestures
& shiver

not all what is there is intentionally invisible
& as we stand
between a here and a there
we mark a point of a return and a departure
& as we speak
of potential pasts and potential futures
twisting tongues, weaving images
of dialogues attached to meanings
words in translation
faintly heard
as the wind carries us
separately and together

Huda Takriti explores gaps in historical memory by merging personal and national narratives and generating questions around them. She is currently completing the doctoral program PhD in Practice at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. She completed her master’s degree at the TransArts department at the University of Applied Arts Vienna in 2020.
Her work has recently been shown at (selected) mumok - museum moderner kunst stiftung ludwig wien, Kunsthalle Wien, [.Box] Video Art Project Space (Italy), Centre d’art Sa Quartera (Spain), among others. Most recently, she was awarded the Vordemberge Gildewart Prize (2022), the Kunsthalle Prize (2020), the WHW Akademija Fellowship (2022) and the Camargo Foundation Fellowship (2023).

Christopher Frieß focuses his artistic work on the image and the process of image formation. Examinations about the gaze that can lie behind an image, as well as considerations about the generation of value or, conversely, devaluation, are repeatedly subject to artistic investigation. While being questioned at the same time, in its various manifestations, the image is considered a powerful tool for knowledge acquisition. The artist claims to learn in images.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
08.02.2023 (Wed) - 28.02.2023 (Tue)
18:00 -
Improper Walls , 1150 Wien