Tsai-Ju Wu: my first group show

Eröffnung: Dienstag, 24.01.2023, 17-20h
Ort: Expositur Paulusplatz, Universität für angewandte Kunst, Paulusplatz 5, 1030 Wien

I am part of the group and the group is part of me. While thinking about my graduation show, I could not imagine a presentation with a single artwork. The concept of my diploma project aims to compress my own artistic practices and experiences of exhibition-making into one. Giving myself the assignment of producing a group show - as a curator of my own work - I expanded my practice onto various formats and concepts, spanning multiple different artworks.

Diploma exhibition by Tsai-Ju Wu
University of Applied Arts Vienna

arts (general)
Bildende Kunst
24.01.2023 (Tue) - 03.02.2023 (Fri)
17:00 -