Smashing Memes meets Fem*Friday

with Anahita Neghabat

Meme Training 1: 28.11.2022 - Meme as a Communication Tool
Meme Training 2: 01.12.2022 - Non-Violent Communication and Anti-Discriminatory Vocabulary
Meme Training 3: 07.12.2022 - Intersecional Queer-Feminism in Pop Culture
Each 5pm – 7:30pm
VIDC, Möllwaldplatz 5/9, 1040 Wien

Racisms, sexism, and queerphobia are everyday realities. In this trainings, we come together to translate our individual and shared experiences into humorous memes, to have fun, and to turn hate speechs into satirical memes. Together, we will use our creativity and visual vocabularies to transform violence into memes smashing the power of hate speech. The trainings will be led by Anahita Neghabat aka @ibiza_austrian_memes.

Memes have become an integral part of popculture. Memes empower the masses to comment on and intervene in popcultural events. Today, no iconic popcultural moment passes without a wave of memetic commentary. In this workshop we come together to explore memes as a tool for highlighting intersectional perspectives in public discourse. Together, we will reflect on the current state of pop feminism and draft interventions in feminist discourses through intersectional memes.

Anahita Neghabat is a social anthropologist, artist and meme making activist from Vienna. Her work is concerned with critical education, intersectional feminism and (anti-Muslim) racism. Since 2019 she has been using memes to comment on Austrian interior politics; since 2021 she has been holding meme workshops.

These trainings are focusing on non-violent communication, anti-discrimination, intersectional vocabulary and are part of the activities of the Smashing Wor(l)ds project of the capacity building module of kulturen in bewegung.
In collaboration with the Fem* Friday project.
Smashing Wor(l)ds: Cultural Practices for re/Imagining & un/Learning Vocabularies aims to engage with vocabularies, languages, and narratives of resistance in order to develop new forms of expression against an epistemic violence that is increasingly entrenched in our language.
Fem*Friday is a music and art project by kulturen in bewegung/VIDC that puts queer feminist artists* in the spotlight.

Side note:
Don’t forget your smartphone and charger!
Register via for the chosen Meme-Training!

Medien & Technologie
arts (general)
28.11.2022 (Mon) - 07.12.2022 (Wed)
17:00 -