Armine Maksudyan, Stefan Tiefengraber

OPENING 12.11. 16:00 - 20:00


From social media exposure to prospection, it all starts in the unlimited. The unlimited, that man-made canons and fears managed to bring to a certain shape and aesthetics that per se limit the unlimited, our fantasies and imagination.

The acknowledged unlimited is a place designed by humans, that advocates its independence and universality. We expose our online selves to public opinion and anticipate the future within the scope of imposed politics and borders. Appropriation of already limited imagination manifests in our social media selves whereas thoughts of coming future get stuck on the borderlines of the uncanny unlimited.

Armine Maksudyan is an artist and an architect with an international background whose work deals with interdisciplinary fields, such as spatial design and intervention. Her most used medium is installation and media art. Born in Yerevan, Armenia, raised in Moscow, Russia, gained academic degree in architecure and worked in Milan, Italy. Continued architectural career in Vienna, Austria, where she was mostly exhibited. Currently lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

From 2014 has been collaborating with her sister, Daisy Asvazadurian under the name of Maksudyan Sisters, focusing their cinematic and artistic collaboration on sociocultural realm. Had screenings and shows in Top Kino, Vienna, Babylon Kino, Berlin, Parallel Vienna, Wienerroither & Kohlbacher Galerie, Vienna, Austria.
From 2016 has been collaborating with Austrian artists such as Heidulf Gerngross, Elisabeth Penker and pursuing her own art projects.

For the exhibition at gallerygundulagruber, Stefan Tiefengraber is showing three works from the TH series. TH-50PHD7E, TH-50PF9EK LINE and TH-42PF20ER DISC x 5 are kinetic sound and video installations consisting of obsolete plasma screens. By modifying them, visitors can immerse themselves in a moving soundscape.

Tiefengraber uses the titles of the works to refer to the type designation of the plasma screens used. These are common devices that have been used for many years in the context of exhibitions and events. Today, however, these screens have become obsolete due to new technological developments. Tiefengraber transforms these former carriers of art into art objects in their own right.

In his works Tiefengraber plays with the meaning of the function of the devices and objects used, breaks with their predetermined purposes and modifies them. Fixed structures are deconstructed and questioned. This experimental approach and exploration of old as well as current technologies and their combination, lead him to new and unpredictable results and can also be found in the works presented here.

Stefan Tiefengraber lives and works in Linz/Austria. After working for a TV and film production company for six years, he moved to Linz in 2010 to study at the Linz University of the Arts. 2012/13 One-year exchange at the Korean National University of Arts in Seoul/Korea. 2015 Six-month residency (MMCA Changdong) in Seoul/Korea. Since 2016 organiser of sound art concerts and co-founder of Tresor Linz. 2020 Jury member of the Prix Ars Electronica. 2021 Excellence Award 24th Japan Media Arts Festival.
Tiefengraber’s artistic works range from audio-video noise performances to kinetic sound installations and time-based projects such as experimental videos. These works have been shown at numerous national and international exhibitions. Japan Media Arts Festival 2021 (Tokyo/Japan), New Media Gallery (Vancouver/Canada), Blaues Rauschen - (Bochum/Germany), Galerie gerken (Berlin/Germany), Ars Electronica Festival 2021 (Linz/Austria), 16th Media Art Biennale WRO 2015 (Wroclaw/Poland), …

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
12.11.2022 (Sat) - 17.12.2022 (Sat)
16:00 -