Vital’nya Vienna #4

What: Music & Performance. Presentations of artists from Ukraine
And: Delicious Ukrainian food

The 4th edition of Vital’nya Vienna will be happening on Novemver 17th at Fluc (upstairs)! The year is slowly coming to an end, and so are our activities, so we would love to see you all at this special occasion.

18:00 workshop
19:00 feast
20:00 artistic presentations
23:00 end

More details on the programme will follow shortly - but yeah, you read correctly: We will have a feast. Entry is free.
So please share, invite friends and fellow artists and cultural workers from the Vienna scene! Let’s all get together, meet the new art peers in town and share food, networks and experiences.

4-й випуск Vital’nya Vienna відбудеться 17 листопада у Fluc (нагорі)! Рік повільно добігає кінця, як і наша діяльність, тому ми будемо раді бачити вас усіх на цій особливій нагоді.

18:00 семінар
19:00 свято
20:00 мистецькі презентації
23:00 закінчення

Більш детальна інформація про програму з’явиться незабаром, але так, ви правильно прочитали: у нас буде свято. Вхід вільний.
Тож, будь ласка, поширюйте, запрошуйте друзів та колег-митців і працівників культури з Віденської сцени! Давайте зберемося разом, познайомимося з новими колегами мистецтва в місті та поділимося їжею, спілкуванням і досвідом.

Vitalʹnya Vienna (вітальня відень), meaning “living room”, is a recently founded soft, cozy platform for presenting artists and cultural workers from Ukraine. The initiative is a direct response to wishes expressed at the Emergency Assembly of cultural workers in Vienna in April.
The first event was held on 06.07.2022 at Fluc, Vienna (upstairs).

Vitalʹnya Vienna aims to create an informal, homey atmosphere with discussion, hanging out, and snacks. The idea is to open up an opportunity for artists and cultural workers from Ukraine to present their work, connect with local networks and get low threshold information on funding structures and institutions in the Vienna art and culture scene. We direct our invitation to the Viennese art and cultural scene to come and learn about the new art peers in town and their practice.

The initiative was started by a group of local artists, cultural workers, and curators with the aim to share their resources and platform to welcome artists and cultural workers arriving in Vienna from Ukraine. The event will present projects submitted through an open call. The stage is open for music, poetry, performance, dance, and presenting research projects. Each event will host up to 5 presenters. The team curating will be limited to creating interesting line-ups. All projects will have a chance to be presented.

arts (general)
17.11.2022 (Thu)
18:00 -
flucc , 1020 Wien