Rare Earth Magnet

“All of a sudden, as if a surgical hand of destiny had operated on a long-standing blindness with immediate and sensational results, I lift my gaze from my anonymous life to the clear recognition of how I live.”

Please be cordially invited to an exhibition of new works by New York-based artist Gwenn Thomas entitled Rare Earth Magnet with insertions by Vienna-based artists Alexander Jackson Wyatt and David Gruber.

Exhibition opening: Thu, Oct 20, 5-9pm
Exhibition duration: Oct 21- Nov 19, 2022
Opening hours: Wed-Fri 1-6pm & Sat 11-3pm

arts (general)
Bildende Kunst
20.10.2022 (Thu) - 19.11.2022 (Sat)
17:00 -
Exile , 1010 Wien