Imzentrum: TE-R, Melanie Maar

26/01/23 IMZENTRUM
ab 18:00 Uhr im Zentrum Fokus Foschung

Seit April 2022 bietet die Reihe „IMZENTRUM“- vorerst monatlich geplant - am Zentrum Fokus Forschung, im für Fritz Wotruba konzipierten Atelier und seinem weitläufigen Garten im Wiener Prater, eine Veranstaltungsbühne zur unmittelbaren Begegnung mit Kunst und Forschung. Nah und in Echtzeit, in Resonanz von sound- und performancekünstlerischen Explorationen können zusammen Impulse entwickelt, erfahren und darauf reagiert werden.

Dieses Mal mit Performances von TE-R und Melanie Maar.

TE-R is a variable collective for artistic work. It was founded in 2014 in Vienna by Louise Linsenbolz (DE) and Thomas Wagensommerer (AT). TE-R navigates in and through media spaces. TE-R moves between image, game and code. TE-R likes to collaborate with friends in joint media installations and performances. TE-R works in physical and virtual realities. Performances/Screenings/Installations: Ars Electronica Linz, International Summer Courses for New Music Darmstadt, Tanzquartier Wien, Konzerthaus Wien, Festival des cinémas différents et expérimentaux de Paris, Al Este de Lima, Shed 8 Bregenz, Palais Kabelwerk Wien, ORF RadioKulturhaus, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill Graz, Stadssschouwburg Sint-Niklaas, Wien Modern, Hacker Porn Film Festival Rome, Stadtcasino Basel, ARGE Kultur Salzburg, Künstlerhaus 1050 Vienna, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zurich, Gare du nord Basel etc.

Melanie Maar is a dance artist and teacher whose work is based in improvisation. Spontaneous movement, and the cognitive aspects of movement and aesthetics motivate her to study and create visual sensations and to question the nature and function of performance. Maar’s work has been performed in the theater as well as in music venues, galleries, and loft spaces. Her work has been presented by The Kitchen, Danspace Project, Dance Theater Workshop, Movement Research at Judson Church, The Chocolate Factory, ISSUE Project Room, The Stone, ImPulsTanz Festival Vienna, the Alameda Museum Mexico City, and Tanzfabrik Berlin. As a dancer with an interest in experimental performance, Maar has worked with New York choreographers Luciana Achugar, RoseAnne Spradlin, Walter Dundervill, Daria Fain, and Luis Lara Malvacias, among others. Maar is a frequent collaborator with sound artist Kenta Nagai and is a member of an improvisational performance collective with Rachel Bernsen, Taylor Ho Bynum, and Abraham Gomez-Delgado.

Darstellende Kunst
arts (general)
26.01.2023 (Thu)
18:00 -