Der Blöde Dritte Mittwoch #120

M & M [concert]
Michael Zacherl – scivolo
Michael Fischer – feedback-saxophone

LES CHOSES SANGLANTES 2 [performative encounter]
Claudia Bosse und Mariana Senne

PHOLO [concert]
Paolo Possidente - drums

more info:

  1. M & M [concert]
    Michael Zacherl – scivolo
    Michael Fischer – feedback-saxophone
    Austausch in Echtzeit, Klang und klangnahe Sprache sind Aktionsraum in dem
    Reales, Imaginiertes in ihrem Werden und Vergehen präsent sind. Scivolo und
    Feedback-Saxophon – experimentelle Klangsprachen, elektronisch und akustisch,
    Positionen wie z. B. das Politische, im Sinn der Interaktion von Gruppe und
    Individuum in einer omnipräsenten Verwertungslogik oder das nicht
    profitorientierte Agieren in einer alltäglich geforderten Selbstvermarktung sind
    Teil des performativen Narrativs.

  2. LES CHOSES SANGLANTES 2 [performative encounter]
    Claudia Bosse und Mariana Senne
    Ghosts too are weeds that whisper tales
    of many pasts and yet-to-comes
    that surround us.
    but there are also ghosts we cannot see
    and we choose to forget.
    they don’t sit still.
    they leave traces; they disturb our plans.
    they crack through pavements.
    they tell us about stretches of ancient time,
    and contemporary layerings of time,
    collapsed together in landscapes.
    Überschreibung der introduction of “the art of living on a damaged planet” G6/7 von Nils
    Bruband, Elaine Gan, Heather Swanson, Anna Tsing.

  3. PHOLO [concert]
    Paolo Possidente - drums
    Through the voluntary exposure to noise and the exploration of the possible
    interaction between percussion and electronics PHOLO is questioning ‘what is
    music’. From this ground emerge samples of easy melodies and harmonies,
    distant reminiscences or visions of a shining world. Paolo Possidente is a drummer
    and sound artist from Turin, Italy.

Tickets ab: € 7.-

arts (general)
21.09.2022 (Wed)
19:30 -
Ateliertheater , 1070 Wien