Kultursommer: Funny Funny Funny

Krõõt Juurak, Frans Poelstra, Elizabeth Ward
“Funny Funny Funny”

Come and witness three performers attempting and failing, attempting and succeeding, or succeeding without even trying to be funny.

Krõõt Juurak, Frans Poelstra and Elizabeth Ward, each in their own unique way, will have a go at Funny Funny Funny. The performance is initially set up like a stand-up comedy showcase, however Elizabeth, Krõõt, and Frans are not comedians and easily stray away from known formats and disciplines. Comedy might turn into a long story, an awkward moment, a happy song, or an abstract dance. The only one thing the three performers agree upon, is not to collaborate. They each work on their material independently and present it to each other as well as to the audience at the moment of the performance.
Therefore there is no way to know what the show will be like.

Darstellende Kunst
arts (general)
09.07.2022 (Sat)
18:30 -