Lucia Wainberg: Sparks of Life

Opening: Thursday, 23. June, 2022 18:00

As we realize how fragile life is, we become conscious of this great miracle, and we get obsessed by one single and simple question: “What does it really mean to be alive?”

While scientists, philosophers, and biologists intend to give us some keys around this eternal mystery, Lucia Wainberg’s exhibition is an attempt to synthesize all the leads by drawing micro-territories, a visual cartography connecting us to the deepest truth within us all.

By establishing obvious links between the infinitely great and the infinitesimal, between the cosmos and our organic cells, between order and chaos, between life & death, Lucia Wainberg’s work intends to encapsulate our very essence on canvas.

The truthfulness of Lucia Wainberg’s paintings resides in authentic, simple, and spontaneous gestures guided by an invisible higher power that resonates with the stardusts in our cells, with our “sparks of life”.

This exhibition is an invitation to enter this infinite and eternal loop that questions what makes us unique beings, thus revealing the collective destiny of Humanity.

“Sparks of life” is a singular place, where our DNA vibrates in harmony with the galaxies.

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
23.06.2022 (Thu) - 30.11.2022 (Wed)
18:00 -