smallforms: Julian Siffert, Monica Vlad

the monthly series of smallforms seeks to support contemporary and experimental forms of music which require an attitude of listening. in collaboration with the artspace Chateau Rouge

Saturday May 28th 2022
Doors: 19h30
Music: 20h30

Julian Siffert – Tactile Acoustics
(Lecture Performance)
Based on the physiologies of human listening and the voice, Tactile Acoustics is an attempt to outline an acoustics of touch at the intersection of bodies, space and sound. Through speech as well as performative, participative and musical means, combining scientific with fictional narratives, it reflects on the idea of sound as corporeal excess. Therein it focuses on the voice, the primary human instrument of sonic production as a dynamic bodily excrescence. A force, that bends materials across micro- and macroscopic, organic and synthetic domains to mimic form and movement of a speaking body, more specifically of its vocal apparatus.

Monica Vlad
Monica Vlad changes the functionality of old media devices and everyday objects to create new sounds. She combines the astonishing sound textures and seemingly endless possibilities of the noise genre with sounds from opposite genres such as classical music to create a “paradox soundscape.” Her live performances are different each time, but always intense, dramatic and powerful.

arts (general)
28.05.2022 (Sat)
20:30 -
Chateau Rouge , 1120 Wien