Finissage: Metamorphosis of Plants

Adrian Burns and Sofia Goscinski
curated by Denise Wendel-Poray

Finissage on Friday 12 May from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The artists and curator will be present!
Please note the applicable Corona rules.

The exhibition Metamorphosis of Plants, whose title is inspired by Goethe’s 1790 botanical essay, offers an immersion into woods, deserts and forests through the eyes of Austrian artist Sofia Goscinski and Mexican photographer Adrian Burns. Travelling through their gazes, and their chosen media — sculpture, painting, and photography — nature is a subject of pictorial experimentation. On the way, as we witness their metamorphosis and imprint on art, we become aware of our relationship to all living organisms. Goethe suggested a “secret relation subsisting between the different external organs of plants, such as leaves, calyx, corolla, and stamens.” Thirty years later, inspired by Goethe, Indian biologist Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose made several pioneering discoveries in plant physiology (The Nervous Mechanism of Plants, 1926), notably that plants are also capable of discriminating between positive and negative experiences and of learning by registering memories from their past experiences and use this information to adapt their behaviour to survive present and future challenges in their environments.

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
12.05.2022 (Thu)
18:00 -