Architectural Comfort

Book Talk by
Fabian Tobias Reiner
with Elana Shapira and Hikaru Nissanke (OMMX)

‘Architectural Comfort’, published by Bucher, Hohenems, 2021.

The study of Comfort is a prosperous discourse. The concept’s potential lies in its productive nature, engaging formal and spatial practices beyond the merely pleasing. By studying works of modern Viennese architects, historically conditioned forms from the seventeenth century up until today can be found in the act of sitting, by wandering along staircases, and through the event of opening a door consciously. Comfort is an element occuring throughout the house and depending on wider cultural landscapes. Its involvement attunes to the complexities of life and crystallises as the material that is formed by architecture. Comfort is not prior to design, it is created through it.

Fabian Tobias Reiner is an Austrian architect and architectural theorist based in Zurich. He had the fortune to study both History and Critical Thinking at the AA London and architecture at ETH Zurich. Besides practicing as an architect at camponovo baumgartner, Fabian enjoys writing for the architectural institute in Vorarlberg, attending reviews for the History and Theory Studies at the AA and leading workshops such as at the University of Antwerp.

The bookpresentation takes place in the framework of the current exhibition ‘Characters’ by Fosbury Architecture at MAGAZIN

arts (general)
06.05.2022 (Fri)
19:00 -
MAGAZIN , 1020 Wien