See you at home

a lecture by
Uwe Brunner
Bettina Katja Lange
Joan Soler-Adillon

Today, the domestic space can no longer be considered as an isolated one. Rather, it has become a transitory space that negotiates the ambiguous relationship between the home as a place of refuge and comfort, serving as an intimate archive for the preservation of identity and memory, and the home as an exhibition space, a node in a public and global network of the sharing economy that continuously trades personal data.

Under these conditions, our homes and houses are more than ever part of a multi-layered public sphere that has profound implications for our relationship with the built environment we inhabit and enact daily.

This lecture will unfold the ongoing participatory project The Smallest of Worlds - A Social Landscape of Collected Privacy. A project that consists of a collection of hundreds of three-dimensional documents from domestic moments and homely memories taken between 2020-2021 in more than 40 different countries during the most intense periods of self-isolation and home confinement.

Friday 17.12.2021, 19:00
MAGAZIN – Ausstellungsraum für zeitgenössische Architektur
Weyringergasse 27/i, 1040 Wien

Uwe Brunner is an architect, experience designer, teacher and researcher. Since 2019, he has been a faculty member at the ./studio3, Institute for Experimental Architecture at the University of Innsbruck. He is currently pursuing a PhD with a research focus on the Essay, its affective and cognitive modalities, and its potential for space-making in virtual reality environments. In addition to architecture, his wider research draws from an array of different fields such as media art, film studies, game studies, and media philosophy.

Bettina Katja Lange is a German scenographer and visual media artist. With a background in narrative forms in film and theater, her artistic work extends to physical installations and virtual formats, with an emphasis on the documentary power in unconventional theatrical and digital media forms. Her current research focuses on private space in virtual environments, exploring the correlation between space, intimacy, and immersion; to what extent ordinary objects and private space influence memories, behavior and communication; i.e. social identity and the autobiographical representation of their owners.

Joan Soler-Adillon (Phd) is a Catalan artist and associate professor at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), in Barcelona. His research and practice revolve around digital interactive media and its manifestation in digital art –particularly interactive installation, an experimental approach to interactive storytelling and documentary, and Virtual Reality. From a full-body interactive game run on an inflatable slide to a VR-based experimental documentaries, he has participated in a myriad of projects with a focus on both behavior design and interactivity, and on fostering the audience collaboration and participation.

The lecture takes place in the framework of the current exhibition ‘Dissolving the Dwelling’ by Christine Bjerke at MAGAZIN:

According to the current Covid regulations we can only allow a maximum of 25 people to attend the event.

Pre-registration is possible by email:

We kindly ask you to show a proof of vaccination/past infection on entering MAGAZIN and to comply with the mask requirement.

arts (general)
17.12.2021 (Fri)
19:00 -
MAGAZIN , 1020 Wien