Ortsbezogene Kunst Statement: Gone Swimming

In 2015 Andrea Lüth and Gerald Roßbacher founded the artist-run-space KLUCKYLAND in the 20th district Brigittenau in Vienna. The art space has two glass fronts and is therefore maximally directed outwards. Alongside solo- and group-exhibitions, they organize various events in KLUCKYLAND, which form the basis of the social function of the space.

Andrea Lüth studied painting and graphics / fine arts at the Art University Linz and the Art Academy Berlin-Weißensee, she lives in Vienna. Andrea Lüths art includes drawing, painting, video, text, installation and art in public space, she sings and plays Guitar in the band PRIVAT. Before running KLUCKYLAND she co-founded and organized the off-space LOVE_ (2010 – 2012) in Vienna.

Gerald Roßbacher is artist and musician in Vienna. In his work he often reflects on the fundamental properties and qualities of technical media, their use and their effects on society. As a musician, he mainly works with magnetic fields that are emitted when operating hard drives. Gerald Roßbacher writes software for the generation and processing of sound, images and video.

arts (general)
Bildende Kunst
16.12.2021 (Thu)
14:00 -
Online ,