Wie weiter? / What next?

wird VERSCHOBEN: Wie weiter? / What next? // IN ENGLISH
On the future of cultural institutions #5

Wie weiter? / What next? // IN ENGLISH
On the future of cultural institutions #5

Many large and also decentralised, small cultural institutions carry a long history in which changes and repositioning have taken place repeatedly. On the occasion of the caesura caused by the Covid crisis, we also want to ask in this autumn series where we go from here. What considerations, strategies and visions for the future do we have with regard to exhibition making, performance concepts and the relationship to the audience? Are democratisation concepts being considered? Could new ideas despite all the difficulties – be gained from the Covid crisis?

Ramesch Daha, President Secession Vienna
Séamus Kealy, Director Salzburger Kunstverein
Moderation: Martin Fritz, Curator, Consultant, Publicist, Vienna

Zeitgenössische Kunst
Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
29.11.2021 (Mon)
19:00 -
Online ,