Eröffnung: Punto Y Raya Festival

Ergänzend zu den FREIEN KINO-Programmen im Stadtkino organisieren die Kurator*innen performative, interdisziplinäre, multimediale, erweiterte Filmformate in der Factory des Künstlerhauses.

Den Auftakt macht am 25. November um 18 Uhr das Künsterkollektiv kinoMANUAL aus Polen.
Diese Performance ist gleichzeitig Teil der Eröffnungsveranstaltung von Punto Y Raya, PyR Festival 2021.

Pocket Cinema is a long-time project based on slide projectors from the analog era, formerly known as Lanterna Magica. Projectors, equipped with rotating engines, display specially designed slides blended with extra shapes and colors. The light effects are often combine with digitally animated projection. “We explore the concept of multisource screening as a live performance and freestanding installation as well. Moreover, we use the whole setup as a unique light-tool for stop-motion animation.”

kinoMANUAL was established by two visual artists Aga Jarząb and Maciek Bączyk.
It is a small, independent audio-visual production house from Wrocław (Poland) focused on experimenting with the moving image and sound. kinoMANUAL mainly explores analogue animation techniques such as hand-drawn, cut-out, or direct cinema. By enjoying tactile contact with the film and production process itself, they create films and objects that correspond with a rich tradition of moving images, kinetic art and experimental cinema.

Teilnahmevoraussetzung sind die 2G (Genesen oder Geimpft) PLUS FFP2 Mund- und Nasenschutz.

arts (general)
25.11.2021 (Thu)
18:00 -
Künstlerhaus , 1010 Wien