The Space Between Us

Friday, November 19, 2021 6:00 PM
Thursday, December 23, 2021 7:00 PM

“The Wild Deer wandering here and there
Keeps the human soul from care.”
-William Blake

The art exhibition and related events are dedicated to the distance between you and me (between us). A very contemporary collective experience of a shifted meaning of distance. Although the physical or measurable distance can be easily perceived, the mental one has twisted, stretched, and shrunk. The show is about communication by caring for each other at the times of collective unrest and uncertainty. Again, we emphasize the importance of the human connection by common experiences as regular hygiene of our mental health. In this case, the relationship between artistic engagement and the psychosocial and biological manifestations of that connection. More specifically, there is evidence that engagement with artistic activities, either as an observer of the creative efforts of others or as an initiator of one’s own creative efforts, can enhance one’s moods, emotions, and other psychological states, as well as have a salient impact on important physiological parameters.

Curated by:
Ale Zapata
Urtė Špeirokaitė
Justina Špeirokaitė

Nov 19 - Dec 23, 2021
Vernissage: Nov 19, 6-10 PM
Exhibition: Nov 19 - Dec 23, Mo-Fr 3-7 PM
Improper Walls, Reindorfgasse 42, 1150 Vienna

Vienna-based artists Zosia Hołubowska and Daniela Brill Estrada will premiere their artwork “FOG/ MIST/ MGŁA” in the gallery space of Improper Walls. AV installation is a visual and sonic study of mistiness as a metaphor for the state of emotional confusion and fatigue, possibly as a response to pain and trauma. It offers an immersive environment to thaw and let go, but it is not about completely giving into the state of stupor, for the latest research found signs of life in the vapors of Venus’s atmosphere. The sound design was created by Zosia Hołubowska in reaction to the shooting in Vienna in 2020 and the general state of lockdown distraught. The wailing voice was processed until it melted into a haze. The visuals were created by Daniela Brill Estrada as a part of her ongoing research on the agency of elements. The artist is creating a visual representation of possible “choices” and behaviors of molecules. This practice, informed by quantum physics and scientific speculations, observes the ink as an animated organism in its rhizome-like dance on paper. Paired together, the installation creates a moment of suspension, where it is possible to experience the contradictions of pain and healing.

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
19.11.2021 (Fri) - 23.12.2021 (Thu)
18:00 -
Improper Walls , 1150 Wien